5 Things You Should Know About CBD for Dental Discomfort Relief

Pain management is an important aspect of dentistry, and for decades, patients seeking relief from acute levels of discomfort due to underlying conditions or dental procedures have been prescribed either non-opioid analgesics or opioids.
The once notorious cannabis plant, meanwhile, is rapidly emerging as an organic source for discomfort relief and many other health benefits, with studies supporting cannabis’ natural anxiety and pain-relieving properties. It’s no surprise then that cannabis is now growing in popularity for use in dental discomfort relief.
Cannabidiol (CBD) provides discomfort relief from various dental-related ailments, such as myofascial and TMJ pain, soreness from wearing dental appliance including snore guard, mouth guard and night guard, retainers, and braces, post-extraction discomfort, post-implant surgery discomfort, and long, open-mouth procedure discomfort. It can also reduce anxiety levels in nervous patients who tend to dread dental procedures.
1. How CBD Works to Relieve Discomfort

Transdermal cannabidiol therapy—a known non-psychoactive cannabinoid—is fast emerging as a compelling alternative to treat dental discomfort. The TRC, short for Transdermal Relief Cream, (with 2.5% cannabidiol) is a professionally formulated, prescription-strength cream containing a higher concentration of CBD. This renders it more effective at penetrating the skin and reducing discomfort compared to other OTC CBD medication.
Recent research shows that transdermal CBD has the potency to combat discomfort and reduce inflammation through pro-neurogenic effects and by diminishing pro-inflammatory cytokines (small secreted proteins released by cells). Users have reported an improvement in their condition within five to ten minutes. Some have indicated discomfort relief for up to 5 hours with a single application.
These studies further found that transdermal CBD has long-lasting therapeutic benefits without psychoactive side effects.
CBD’s Anti-Anxiety Properties
People can experience dental discomfort even before they sit in the dentist’s chair. Contemplating an impending root canal while seated in the waiting room is enough to trigger anxiety in many patients. “At least 30 percent of people have some degree of anxiety about going to the dentist,” says Mark Burhenne, DDS, founder of AsktheDentist.com.
In this case, CBD can help as it acts on the section of the brain that processes fear. Administering CBD to patients before they undergo a dental procedure can calm their nerves and lead to a less stressful experience for both the dentist and the patient. Dr. Burhenne adds that the research appears to support the use of CBD for anxiety and PTSD.
How does it work? The human body naturally produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors found in the nervous system. CBD helps by impacting the endocannabinoid receptor activity, which reduces inflammation and interaction with neurotransmitters.
2. How to Administer CBD for Dental Discomfort Relief
The most common use for CBD dental discomfort relief is myofascial and TMJ discomfort. Figures from the National Institute of Health (NIH) estimate that 10 million Americans suffer from a Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)—a disorder of the temporomandibular joint that disrupts the normal function of muscles, bones, and soft tissue, causing acute facial pain. Common symptoms include difficulty chewing, limited opening, clicking, locking, and pain surrounding the temporomandibular joint. While traditional treatments do provide discomfort relief, it is often limited.
As a cream, the CBD in TRC is in transdermal form, and does not need to be ingested. Unlike opioids and analgesics, which usually require being taken orally, TRC simply requires topical application to the affected areas. As the compound penetrates the skin, the product provides targeted relief and in initial studies, patients report feeling less discomfort lasting between 4 to 5 hours.
Patients can use TRC exclusively for discomfort relief or as an additional therapy by combining it with an occlusal splint (or “nightguard”). Another distinct advantage of our CBD cream is that it can be applied as frequently as needed, especially during the day when an occlusal splint is not usually worn.
Designed by dentists for dentists, the TRC offers relief to patients suffering from a variety of dental discomfort. Dentists can prescribe TRC with confidence, to alleviate discomfort associated with post-operative procedures (such as implant surgery or extractions), long open-mouth procedures, the introduction of a snore guard or sleep appliance, and even myofunctional therapy. The 2.5% CBD is professional grade strength for maximum benefit.
3. You Can Attract More Patients to Your Practice by Offering Holistic Treatment Options
For decades, dental patients have had limited options for discomfort relief, with most dentists suggesting over-the-counter NSAIDs or occasionally prescribing opioids.
Opioids include powerful medications such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and codeine, and they must be prescribed sparingly, as the ADA has stated: “Dentists should recognize multimodal pain strategies for management for acute postoperative pain as a means for sparing the need for opioid analgesics” in the treatment of dental discomfort. Non-opioids include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib, as well as acetaminophen. The American Dental Association (ADA) notes that NSAIDs have been shown to be more effective at reducing discomfort than opioid analgesics and recommend these as the first-line therapy for acute pain management.
Today’s savvy and holistically health-minded patient may appreciate a third option: CBD transdermal cream. After all, even the use of NSAIDs can have adverse side effects. Studies have shown long-term use of these drugs can increase the risk of peptic ulcers, renal failure, stroke, and heart disease.
TRC, on the other hand, is a safe, holistic alternative that your patients can’t find online or purchase over-the-counter: this professional strength 2.5% CBD transdermal cream is only available through participating dentistry practices. Once sold on the product, it can increase your contact with patients as they will return for more when their supply runs out. Finally, stocking and recommending TRC is an easy way to distinguish your dental practice as more modern and accommodating than a traditional dentist’s office.
4. There’s a Big Difference Between CBD and THC
Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is one of the two major components of cannabis. The other component, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is psychoactive and responsible for the euphoric high associated with the plant. It is important to note that CBD and THC activate different cannabinoid receptors in the body.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is THC’s milder version and provides several health benefits without the high. CBD is proving to be a powerful pharmaceutical agent offering relief from discomfort, inflammation, seizures, and anxiety without the psychoactive effects of THC.
(This is not to say that THC does not provide relief. THC activates certain endocannabinoid receptors in the nerve cells and in immune cells. When the nerve cells activate, the discomfort subsides. But it’s still considered a Schedule 1 drug by the DEA, and even in states where its use has been legalized, many patients don’t want to deal with its psychotropic properties.)
To reinforce the point for those patients concerned about the psychoactive properties of cannabis products, the TRC-- a CBD transdermal relief cream-- does not contain THC. The only active ingredient is prescription-strength CBD.
5. There Are Alternative Uses

During the trial phase, patients using TRC reported the same degree of relief when it was used to treat other joint ailments. In addition, some dentists who joined the trial reported they used TRC on their hands after long hours of working. These dentists confirmed that the cream helped relieve the discomfort in their hands after extended patient procedures. Some anecdotal reports even indicated relief when applying CBD transdermal relief cream to mosquito bites, eczema, burns, and severe muscle aches.
A Natural Alternative for Dental Discomfort Relief
The emergence of transdermal CBD therapy means that a dentist’s discomfort-relief options are no longer limited to non-opioid and opioid prescriptions. Dentists can now prescribe a more holistic and natural alternative.
By synthesizing the pain-relieving properties of cannabinoids into a patient-friendly transdermal relief cream (TRC), dentists now have a therapeutic alternative to oral analgesics. This new therapy provides a much faster delivery system for dental discomfort relief and lasts longer as well.
Feedback from TMD patients who used transdermal CBD for a 6 month period has been overwhelmingly positive, with comments such as: “My jaw feels lighter,” “It was soothing and relaxing,” and “My jaw felt relaxed.”