Why Use CBD Dental Pain Medication?
Dental pain and discomfort can have many sources, from chronic disorders like TMJ or TMD to post-operative procedure soreness. To treat this discomfort, dentists can prescribe a range of dental pain medication—from oral analgesics and NSAIDs to opioid medications for those with more severe pain. While traditional dental pain medication provides mild to moderate relief, it is often temporary. In addition, using these medications can trigger side effects ranging from organ damage and increased risk of heart attacks, to outright dependency.
There is another way. Alternative pain treatment methods in the form of cannabidiol-based (CBD) products are becoming more popular and prominent because they offer relief without any distressing side effects or addictive qualities. Unlike THC (the other active ingredient found in the cannabis plant), CBD does not contain any psychoactive substances that produce the “high” from cannabis. This makes CBD treatment options an attractive alternative for effective pain management.
Alternative Holistic Medication to Relieve Dental Discomfort

In recent decades, public perception of the cannabis plant has shifted from a dangerous narcotic to an effective herbal remedy. More and more people are seeing the value of cannabis, specifically the cannabidiol compound, as an effective way of providing pain relief in a variety of settings.
Research has shown it can help ease conditions for migraine or spasm sufferers as well as cancer and AIDs patients without any troublesome side effects or addictive qualities, making it more attractive than traditional medicines. It was only a matter of time before health experts realized the dental pain-relieving properties of cannabidiol (CBD).
Reducing Dental Anxiety

Dr. Mark Burrhene, the founder of AsktheDentist.com, explains that CBD acts on that part of the brain that processes fear and can help reduce anxiety before a dental procedure.
The research seems to support the use of CBD for anxiety and PTSD. Citing a clinical study where patients diagnosed with PTSD were given CBD once or twice a day for eight weeks, Dr. Burrhene said nine out of eleven participants reported an average 28% decrease in symptom severity.
The anxiety-relieving properties of CBD are now being applied in a dental setting, too. In some cases, patients are given a half milliliter dose of CBD extract before undergoing a dental procedure. Reports indicate that those who elected to get a dose before their operation were calmer during their procedure.
Treating Dental Pain and Inflammation
CBD can serve as dental pain medication in place of traditional pain relievers. It can be used to provide relief from routine tooth ailments such as tooth pain and swelling. CBD can also help reduce post-operative pain from procedures such as root canals and extractions and long, open-mouth procedures. CBD medication can take the form of oils and tinctures, capsules, or as an active ingredient in toothpaste or tea. Medical grade, prescription strength CBD cream is the latest development for the alleviation of dental discomfort.
The active ingredient cannabidiol helps in pain reduction by interacting with cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body. These receptors link to the immune system, which lowers its response when interacting with CBD. Recent research further shows that CBD has the potency to combat pain and reduce inflammation through pro-neurogenic effects and by neutralizing pro-inflammatory cytokines (small secreted proteins released by cells).
TMJ or Myofascial Dental Pain

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain from dysfunction of said joint, affects millions of Americans. The condition causes recurrent or chronic pain in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles and tissues.
Symptoms include a clicking or popping sound from the jaw. Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is the second most common musculoskeletal disorder that causes pain (only chronic low back pain affects more people). TMD is associated with a number of conditions including the misalignment of the upper and lower teeth, bruxism (grinding or clenching teeth), and severe overbites and underbites.
Prescription strength CBD topical cream is fast gaining traction as a natural alternative to treat TMJ pain and other facial discomforts, such as myofascial pain (MFP). One such product is Transdermal Relief Cream (TRC), tested by dentists for dentists, distrbuted by Sterngold. With its 2.5% medical grade CBD formulation, patients simply apply a small amount of the cream to painful areas and massage until absorbed. This higher concentration renders TRC more effective compared to most over-the-counter CBD products.
Research from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, states that patients who applied CBD in transdermal form, reported a 70% reduction in jaw pain.
Similarly, myofascial pain (MFP) can manifest every now and then. MFP is an offshoot of muscle tension, fatigue, or (rarely) spasm in the muscles connected to the jaw. Applying CBD to the affected areas can help alleviate the symptoms and reduce tension.
Other Types of Dental Discomfort
Dentist-approved TRC can also reduce tension and discomfort caused by wearing braces, retainers, or mouth guards. Additionally, patients can apply the cream to treat discomfort from dental implants or other dentistry procedures. It also helps to relax the jaw after a particularly long session with the dentist.
Alternative Uses of CBD Cream
The applications of CBD aren’t limited to just dental pain relief applications. Some dentists prescribing medical grade TRC report that the product helps reduce swelling and pain in their hands after a long day’s work. (Anecdotal reports suggest that the TRC also helped with insect bites, eczema, burns, and other common skin conditions.)
So Why Use CBD as Dental Pain Medication?

Topical creams with 2.5% CBD such as TRC, provide patients with a potent treatment for dental discomfort. Adding CBD to a transdermal cream base makes it the perfect vehicle for rapid skin absorption. The faster the absorption, the faster the delivery of relief.
Because CBD does not possess psychoactive properties (unlike its counterpart, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC), it provides a safe and effective pain relief option without the high. In addition, patients can apply CBD creams to painful areas as often as needed without worry. This makes CBD an excellent option for those seeking relief from chronic pain but want to avoid the use of oral NSAIDs or opioid medications.
The use of CBD products is becoming more prominent in the dental community, with many dentists recommending trial to their patients, and receiving positive feedback.
If you would like more information about TRC, the first dentist-approved, medical grade CBD cream for dental discomfort, please visit Sterngold Dental.