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BN-200 10oz Jar with Scoops (BN-200 Canister)

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BN-200 10oz Jar with Scoops (BN-200 Canister)
BN-200 10oz Jar with Scoops (BN-200 Canister)

Sterngold brings the disinfecting power of HOCl-- a substance found naturally in our human bodies known to fight off bacteria and infection-- to the dental practice, with the distribution of BN-200. BN-200 is an HOCl disinfectant that is up to 300X more effective than bleach, yet non-toxic. BN-200 crystals is a sub-registered EPA list “N”, hospital-grade disinfectant, expected to kill the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) when used according to label directions. BN-200 can also be diffused into a room for extra protecting power.
“No Mess” and Convenient. BN-200 comes in crystal form that is mixed with water to produce a natural, environment-safe, “no mess”, convenient, and powerful solution. When added to water, the BN-200 granules create a disinfectant solution that is effective against a broad array of pathogens.

BN-200 is a convenient alternative to bleach or quarts. The active ingredient HOCl (Hypochlorous Acid):

• is more stable than bleach (sodium hypochlorite)
• Has neutral pH
• Is biodegradable


• Easy to use – Convenient, dry granule form
• Economical - In its closed container, BN-200 stays ready for use for over 2 years.
• Save on Shipping and Storage - The non-liquid, dry granules for mixing come in convenient packaging that calls for simple storage and shipping.
• Consistent strength produced every time - BN-200 comes pre-measured in 600 PPM stick packs for a Quart or Gallon, or in a 10 oz. jar with scoops.
• Non-corrosive
• Broad spectrum efficacy - including the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
• Environment safe
• Can be used in spray bottles or a special humidifier