Sterngold will be closed Wednesday Dec. 25th. Orders placed after 2:00 pm EST on Dec. 24th will ship when we re-open on Dec. 26th. Have a Happy Holiday!

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Shipments & Returns

Our shipping and return policies, and important related topics.

1How do I create a new account?

To create a new account, select Login from the navigation links at the top of the page. You will see a "New Member" box on the left and a "Registered Customers" box on the right. To make a new account, please hit the Create An Account button and follow the instructions.

2How do I sign in to my account?

To sign in, select Login from the navigation links at the top of the page. This will take you to a sign-in page, where you enter your Email Address and Password in the appropriate boxes, and then pressing the Login button.

3What if I forgot my password or want to change it?

If you do not remember your password, hit the Login from the navigation links at the top of the page and click the Forgot Your Password? in the right side "Registered Customers" box and follow the instructions.
If you do know your password, first login as usual. When you are in your account, click the Account Information text button on the left side navigation and click into the box that is next to "Change Password". Fill out your new password and hit Save and you can login with your new password the next time you come to our site. You can also access the password page by clicking on the "Change Password" text link under your email address on the dashboard when you first login.

4How do I change my shipping address?

From the Login dashboard, you can can click on the Billing/Shipping Address text button on the left side navigation. This page will allow you to update your address along with your contact information. When you are finished editing this section hit Save Address. You can also get to this page by hitting the Manage Addresses text button in the address section of your dashboard.

5How do I change my phone number?

From the Login dashboard, you can can click on the Billing/Shipping Address text button on the left side navigation. This page will allow you to update your contact information along with your address. When you are finished editing this section hit Save Address. You can also get to this page by hitting the Manage Addresses text button in the address section of your dashboard.